LeosKids Update

Helping children fighting pediatric cancer

Families That Need Your Help

Anand Dom Malik 201

Samir Bohora

Aarohi Thapa – 199

Ramit Pariyar – 198

We strive to help families financially so that they can get the right treatment for their child suffering from cancer. Through our generous donors, we have made a difference in several children’s lives, and are on a continual journey to help more children in need.

Blood Drive

Our first blood drive turned out better than we could have imagined!

Even during this time of crisis, so many incredible people decided to come out and make blood donation a priority. We are grateful to each of the 65 people who came out to donate blood including several doctors, social workers, and other volunteers who also donated, along with some of our family members. We appreciate each one who took the time to come out for the blood drive as a volunteer and also as a blood donor!

If your child is battling cancer in Nepal 🇳🇵 , we're here to provide support and care. We assist children under 18 years of age who have been diagnosed with cancer. We understand this is a challenging journey, and we're here to help your family every step of the way. Please click on the link below to fill out your request form.

Our Sponsors

LeosKids News and Events


Leo's Kids 365

I can run 365 miles in a year to raise awareness for pediatric cancer in Nepal, to raise awareness for Leo’s Kids. Would you join me on this journey? I’m making a Facebook group page where we can encourage each other, share our mileage, and share with our friends and family this important journey we are on to let our amazing Leo’s Kids know that we will fight alongside them. They are not alone in this fight. They matter to us every single day and we will run for them every day.

What People Say About Us

What Our Donors Say


I would like to thank you all your team members for doing such a wonderful work. It feels good to be a part of your organisation by making a small donation. God bless you all. I will share this with my fellow friends and family so that we can get more support and love from the community.

Ajay Kafle

Excellent work (Fan of Harald)

I think the work you have done for years is amazing, even before meeting Harald you were helping these angels. It must’ve been very tough before. You and these angels prayers have been answered now and hopefully it’s a little easier. We’ll done and much love.

Kenneth Kane
Set up a subscription to help each month. Not a lot but will do what I can.

For a better future for those in need

After watching Harald’s videos last year I decided to donate to this truly wonderful cause. The world can become a better place if we all help those who truly need help and I have chosen to do so. God bless your foundation and all the amazing things that you have done and will continue doing in the future!

Matthew Spence

Giving back for my many blessings

I was taken aback to hear Sunil’s story from Herald’s first video. What a huge heart. The loss of your son, you could be bitter and angry but you turn that energy into love, support for so many others. I am honored to support Leo’s Foundation. I am from the US and to see how so many here are behaving right now…..we are blessed to have excellent medical care here. And to see so many others without. I am just giving back a token to show my love and support to you , your family and those seeking treatment. I sure hope to visit your facility there one day. Prayers for continued support and for you and your families healing. Much respect.
Derek Armstrong

Derek Armstrong

I come from Harald’s videos

I come from Harald’s videos and was touched by you turning something like cancer and death into something good like hope.
I admire all the children’s courage and bravery and thank all the people working with the foundation for their dedication. Keep on fighting evil, darkness and illness with joy, love and life. Each breathe and heartbeat is a gift from God.
The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came to give us life more abundant and life eternally (forever). Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (In Heaven) except through me. -John 14:6

The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy but Jesus came so we might have life more abundantly and life eternally (forever). May the grace, love, peace and joy of the one true God and Creator of all (Jesus) be with all the people of this world.

Travis From Wisconsin USA

Heart of gold.

I am here because of Harald Baldr and I saw that your organisation does an excellent work to help the children and family through turbulent times. You and your staff have a heart of gold and keep up the good work.

Robert Wapsenkamp
I gave a donation.

I heard about your foundation

I heard about your foundation from a YouTube video with Harold Baldr.
I was touched by your story and how you and your family are helping others in desperate circumstances.
I decided to give monthly donations for a continued future support.

Elizabeth Spriggs
Monthly donations

So many people talk about

So many people talk about helping others and you all have taken it to the next step and put these words into action. I pray many blessings come to you and the children you help. I also love how Harold Baldr has stepped up and brought your cause to the forefront. God bless.

Michelle McIlnay

Thank God for Sunil, Harold and You Tube.

Like many others I have just watched Harold’s video on You Tube which compelled me to donate. In a world where there is a lot of hate and violence, now and then a shining light appears, in fact two. Sunil for the lifetime project he has taken on and Harold for showing people throughout the world how they can help. I believe it was no coincidence that they met but it was meant to be. I wish you all the best and hope your Foundation goes from strength to strength.

Stephen Thompson.UK

Thank you

I first saw you in Harald’s video and I would like to thank you all within the foundation for saving lives! I wish much love and health to you as well as the kids and their families in Nepal. God bless you!


Thank you for all you do.

Cancer has touched my life in many ways. I lost my father to cancer when i was 3 years old and in the past 3 years lost my mother and my sister to cancer. It can devastate whole families. But to have a child diagnosed with cancer and not have the means to do everything possible to help them would be a parents worse nightmare. You are helping these children and families at there most critical time of need. I could not think of a better cause to donate to. I am a big fan of Harold Balder and I commend him for all he has done to help your organization as well. God bless you all.
William G.


Thanks for the great work you are doing!

I heard of your foundation thru Harald Balder’s Youtube channel and as a survivor of cancer myself I appreciate your work and like to make small donations when I’m able to.

Peter Wright

This foundation is incredible.

I think sunhil-kara are amazing people. I am greatful that this world has people like you doing these selfless acts of kindness. Your helping save lives. My appreciation and gratitude is expressed in my donation. I hope it helps and wish you both the best of luck. Thank you for being you!

J. Petrone
First time donor. I found this foundation by watching harald baldr.

We can do it together

As a cancer patient myself, I know how hard a diagnosis can be. Sunil has inspired me along with Harold Baldr of YT fame to get the word out about leos foundation. Thes childrem of Nepal face a courageous fight usually facing great difficulty in getting help during treatment. They need places to stay, arrangements to get to and from treatment and trsatment itself. Sunil has dedicated his time, effort and soul to help these children.
Anything at all can help from retweets, shares, likes on social media to donations big or small. Join forces with us to make these children lives a little better than yesterday!
Thank You!

Greg Landry


I was very moved by your act of selfless kindness Sunil. You are a great human being. God bless you and those innocent children.

Baikuntha Nath Prasain

Wonderful Children.

Sunil ,Kara and friends are working tirelessly to help these wonderful children ,happy to help in any way I can. Always in my thoughts ,abundant blessings to you and Leo’s Kids x

Stuart Glenwright

Best wishes from Germany

I watched the Youtubevideo from Harald Baldr and Sunil and just wanted to support the foundation. i am not a man of much words, so i just wanted to say: Keep up the good work. The children deserve a happy future. Best wishes from Germany.


I wanted to help some kids

I donated $1000 and hope it helps some kids have a happy life and family being able to spend some time with them

Brian Lofquist
Harold wanted some more help :)

Amazing Foundation

i think it is truly amazing what you guys are doing. i have donated today. You and Harald are an example to us all. God bless

robert mccook


I think that this foundation is doing the right thing by helping those less fortunate in Nepal. I heard about this foundation from an adventurous you-tuber and glad I did. I hope my donation can help in the slightest way whether it be putting food on the table or paying medical expenses. “HARALD APPROVES!” and God bless!

Noah Padilla

With Hope

My niece passed away from a form of cancer named Neuroblastoma at the age of 6yrs old, so I know the pain of losing someone to cancer, and it’s something that no one should ever have to endure.

Leonard Schweitzer

A really deserving cause.

What a wonderful foundation. what a wonderful family and that Harald guy is pretty awesome too. i left a little financial support.

Robert McCook


I would like to thank you all your team members for doing such a wonderful work. It feels good to be a part of your organisation by making a small donation. God bless you all. I will share this with my fellow friends and family so that we can get more support and love from the community.

Ajay Kafle


I would like to thank you all your team members for doing such a wonderful work. It feels good to be a part of your organisation by making a small donation. God bless you all. I will share this with my fellow friends and family so that we can get more support and love from the community.

Ajay Kafle

A pleasure to donate to this amazing cause.

i saw you in haralds videos on you tube and just donated. Your story is heartbreaking but your strength and love is amazing. Good luck with the fundraising.

robert mccook

I really like Sunil’s vision

I really like Sunil’s vision and I wanted to contribute to something that will change lives for the better

Alon brodsky

Amazing organisation with a heart of gold.

I have followed harald baldr for many years and I learned of your organisation through his uploads. I wanted to help out and be a part of your journey. Cancer has touched me on a personal level more times that I would like and I just wanted you know that you are doing such an amazing job with helping these people. We are all breathing the same air and we should all be given the opportunities to recover as our neighbour may have. Kindest regards, Kevin William haddacks.

Kevin William haddacks
Donated $

Inspired by the Bravery of the Children and their families.

Wonderful work ,and happy to help in whichever small way I can .The children ,and the Foundation are truly inspirational ,in that they are so clear as to how the donations help each and every child ,directly.It really is a comfort to know the work you do is making a difference to those going through such difficult times .May you not only be blessed with donations ,but also with the abundant treasure of love and peace that you so richly


A truly worthy cause

I found your foundation through watching Herald Baldr on YouTube. It was truly destiny that you ran into him and he did a video on the foundation. It was also destiny that I have the means to donate and do some good. To my fellow donors and prospective donors: Be the change that you wish to see in the world. If we all give a little it sure helps a lot.

Jonathan Gerchar

Love & Kindness

I was so moved after watching your story on Harald Baldr’s youtube channel and just donated. Thank you Harald❤! Sunil, you have turned your tragedy into something amazing! More power to you. God bless 🙏


Love Conquers All

I watched you in Harald’s video and genuinely wanted to help because I wasn’t aware (or rather ignorant of the fact) that 35% of children abandon cancer treatment in Nepal due to financial constraints. That is just heartbreaking. I was diagnosed with Lupus at age 21 and I know for sure if I was one of those poor children in Nepal, my family would have never been able to afford the expensive medicines that keep me alive today. However, I am from New York and able to give back to those children in my motherland. I know your work was inspired by the incredible love you felt for your child and I am here to tell you that your love is conquering hearts everywhere, especially those of the children that you support. I am a student donor and have decided to donate 50$ monthly. Thank you for teaching us that grief can turn into something so beautiful. Thank you for saving families. Thank you for saving lives.


Great Initiation to Help Children Who Are Fighting Against Cancer

Came to know about this great work by Sunil and Team from Harald Baldr’s video. Great initiatives by the foundation who wants to help the children fighting against cancer. We like to support this great work for better humanity and make the difference in the society for positive outcomes.

Bidur Banjara

Why I Chose This Foundation

I chose to donate to this foundation after i watched the video of Sunil and Harald and it moved me so so much at how loving and humble Sunil was and is and i thought the best way to help is to donate. I hope this is the start of a great many donations for this foundation, it is so deserving of commitment, hopefully a corporation will be informed and help out?? Who knows what the future holds, but i know with people like Sunil and his family behind it, it can only grow, so here’s to little seed’s becoming mighty oaks.

John Baker

Shine Like a Light x

Great work keep it going can only get better.

Richard Smith

Saw Genuine Reason in your eyes in Harald Baldr”s Youtube Channel

After watching Harald Baldr’s Youtube Video titled “American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵”, I got melted–saw a light of humanity and honesty in his eyes.
Do we need to be rich (Bill Gates) to make donations? No!
We just need big heart.
Let’s make this world a better place to live for everyone–let’s pray for everyone’s better health and happiness.❤️🇳🇵

Sabin Thapa
Donor & A Grad Student in USA From Nepal

A Foundation of Integrity and Love

We saw your interview with Harold at the hospital in Nepal and it touched our hearts to see what you are giving back to others going through what you have been through. We could see how much love you have for these children and their families. We want to be a small part of this. So very sorry for your loss.

Kathrine Rice


Hi i made this donation which was my first ever outside my country (n.ireland). To see such sadness and effort and trust combined, my conscience could not let me go pass. So i hope my donation will be of some help. Thanks to youtube and Harold i feel i have done something great.


Right Persons with Genuine Cause

As I was going through the videos of Harald Baldr in Nepal I landed with Sunil dai’s video I felt like he has set up a foundation for genuine cause and he I believe will do the right thing with the donation reaching to the affected directly by himself. Thank you for what you are doing keep up the good work dai hope the foundation will help those in need.

Nabin and Sheetal from UK

Nabin Pun Magar

Good Cause

Thanks to the youtube video of Harald baldr to meet a person like Sunil. This morning I was watching his video makes me emotion. I believe there is a god in temple who look at us and give blessings and there is god inside us who we do good thing. Blesses and prayers to each of those patient. Believe in yourself.

Kaljang Nondup Lama

In Prayers

These kids deserve to be in this beautiful world and let’s hope our small initiative makes a big difference in their lives. Keep in prayers.

Alisha Thapa


I’ve known a number of adults and several children who have succumbed to cancer. The fact that you are helping children get treatment to try to survive it, is phenomenal. Hoping many children have a bright happy future free from illness, through the goodness of this inspirational foundation. Harald on You Tube site mentioned to donate some more this weekend. So donating again to help those beautiful children in need. Hoping many more reach deep this holiday season to do the same. Best wishes to you all.

Rachel Cronin

Children Are Our Future

Wish there were more people like Leonardo, to help make a difference in less fortunate children lives around the world

Frank Milk

Anything Can Be Achieved Even Through The Smallest of Things

I was touched by your spirit. True spirit is the foundation and beginning of a greater event. Believe!!!!

Cathy Delerme


I am donating because how involved you are and how dedicated you are. I have shared your information and Haralds videos to all my friends and family in America and Sweden. Donated to such a worthy cause, and I believe in you and your family. Bless you and your family.

Wayne Shultz

Love Thy Neighbors And Love One Another – Jesus Christ Commands

I support your dedications to help this unfortunate children with illnesses…I hope one day soon I will be able to also donate not just money but also my time in helping such good and worthy cause. Keep going and God will always provide.

Matthew 7:7 in the Bible:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”

God bless…

Georgette Gahunia

Pay It Forward

Through Harald Baldr, I got to experience your courageous effort and compassion stemmed from your son. What an amazing mission and heart shared. Thank you for all you do.

Scott Wills

100% of Proceeds Are Helping These Kids And Their Families

Almost all organizations like these really help. I also donate monthly to a well known children’s cancer organization here in the United States. However in order for those organization to keep raising donations is necessary for them to invest a big percentage of what is collected in advertising and administration. With Leo’s organization is different because is growing on its own, and the story of how things got aligned by destiny, and how is spreading thanks to a social media venue, is remarkable. I cannot emphasizing enough on how genuine and dedicated Leo’s family is in this. Keep up the good work, we all will do our part also.

Hector D Ortiz

Service Before Self

I happened to see Harald Baldr’s YouTube channel which showed Sunil’s selfless service to his fellow people in their hour of need. His loss of a beautiful child drove him to pursue this mission of service. A truly inspiring story and person. This world could use more Sunils. A big thanks to Harald Baldr for posting the video that has helped Sunil on his mission.

Satish Kumar

Selfless Service

My heartfelt congratulations to Mr.Harald Baldr, Mr.Sunil and everyone else who are contributing to the wellbeing of the sick children. I believe, The Hands that Serve are Holier than the lips that pray. May God bless you all!

Saesh Ramjeawan


Kukri! Watched the video on Harald Baldr you tube channel and was impressed with What this foundation is doing and happy to be a part of raising money and awareness. Thank you for your hard work and bless you and all of the people you help. I helped through Harald Baldr you tube channel after watching his video on this charity and happy to be a part of raising money and awareness. Bless you and all you do from the United States!

Joe Weeks

For a Great Cause

I can’t imagine what it is to lose a child. It’s a great way of honoring your son, Leonardo, and having his name remembered this way. I donated after watching Harald’s video and also having gone through cancer myself. Keep up the great work!

Gerald Cote

माध्यम बनिदिनुभएको धन्यवाद

I wish you all the best and hope the foundation will receive support from many people. We can support this movement by donating even small amount equivalent to what we spend when we go out for a meal or dinner. It could help a person and this foundation is a medium to reach to those people. तपाईको यो अभियानले धेरै मान्छेको जीवनमा पक्कै पनि परिवर्तन ल्याउनेछ भन्ने विश्वास छ र आउने दिनहरुमा पक्कै पनि सक्दो साथ रहनेछ।

Bhisma Kandel

Hey I Wish You

Hey I wish you nothing but success. I loved watching you in Nepal on Haralds channel and I wish I could donate more but I had to get in on the Kukri. I hope it helps. Keep up the great work. Mitch.



I wish this amount can help a little bit.

Elcio Weiss

I Truly Believe

I truly believe that we as humans should help each other in any way we can possibly can. I am beyond amazed how you can get up and leave everything and help others in need for a great cause. Paying my deed back in some manner is a big help to commence in already great attitude towards helping each other out. I am grateful for people like you! Amen

Mauricio Alcantar

Everyone Should Be Happy

It is great cause, wishing the charity to help many people, happiness and protection to everyone.

Pasquale Donnarumma

Good Luck

I lost my little brother of 20 yrs to cancer last year. He fought for the 2nd time already. I’m happy to see that there’s an organization to help the less fortunate battling their hardships in life.

Leon K.

Make a Difference

I donated because you are doing good in Nepal.

Gary Wharton

Every Little Bit Helps

Our family is of humble means. We can offer small donations, prayer, and well wishes. We hope and pray that the children get well soon. Leonardo Edward Shrestha is the guiding light that inspires people to help. Bringing light and help to children going through some very dark times. Thank you to Sunil and the other volunteers for their tireless work to make our world a better place.

Angel R.

Helping Hurting People

I think it is wonderful to turn your grief into helping others. Made a donation! Harold Boulder I was watching him on YouTube and you were with him and together you told us about your precious son and what others are having to go through and that’s the reason I wanted to help. God bless you and Confront with your loss.

Shirley hill

Kukri from Harald Baldr!

You folks are doing great work! I am a fan of Harald. Keep up the amazing work!

Ryan J Johnson

Goodness Gets Noticed!

I was introduced to your foundation via Harald Baldr’s YouTube video. I appreciate your good work and sincere efforts to bring relief to those that are suffering. The guy that I saw Harald interview seemed especially sincere, and I appreciate that! Keep up the good work! Thank You!

Joseph Soto

Great Cause

I donated because it’s the least I can do.

Joseph Krauss


Watched a Harold youtube video about this foundation.

Pierre Almaguer

Heard About You from Harold Baldr

I have added you to my donation list and will give $10 a month. The fight against cancer has no borders.

Jeffrey Johnson

I Think It Is Beautiful

I think it is beautiful to see honest good people helping others and I am happy to be a small part of your wonderful vision.



Heraldo Baldieri!

Antonio Bucca

Amazing people, amazing foundation !

Guys your doing an excellent job, keep up the great work ! I wish you all the best of luck ❤️
I donated 👍. I know it’s money well spent.

Craig Betteridge & Tracey Stewart

Inspiring Charity

I was inspired by seeing a great father on a selfless mission in Nepal on YouTube. I am from the UK and would love to somehow volunteer and help this charity further. The founders are truly amazing people and very inspiring. I am blown away with what you are doing for children in Nepal and I hope to donate more each month when I get paid. Every little helps. Thank you so much for your work.

James Hampson

I Hope You Can Achieve Everything!

I am really happy to see people getting help in difficult times. I wish you all the best and good luck!

Vitalij A.

Genuine Guy

I donated because he’s one of the most genuine guys I’ve seen in a while. He deserves the help.
Kees Sonnema

Donated Amount of My Next 2 Weekends

I just donated 86 pound that means i am not going night out for the next 2 weekend.

Jimi Gurung

Just Donated

Just donated $20, hope I could donate many more in upcoming days.

Shyam Kharel

Life is Beautiful

I hope my donation helps,I don’t have a lot to offer but I appreciate what you guys do and keep on making life better for those in need.

Joe Cera

bravo pour vos actions

j’ai été touché par votre histoire et admiratif de vos actions en faveur des enfants et de leurs familles touchées par la maladie , et je sens que nos dons seront bien utilisés , bravo , continuez

Stephane Lamort

Glad To Help

I also saw the video on Harald’s Channel. I hope my donation will help make a difference.

Matt Johnson

Love What This Charity Is

Love what this charity is doing. Just wanted to give. God Bless.

Amos Laguna

Thank You

Here thanks to Harald Baldr. God bless you

Ibrahim Bouchiba

Making a Difference

Saw you on Harald’s Youtube channel. Really impressed by the work you are doing.

Andrew Keiller

Together As One

Happy to be part of something special and spread a little hope. Bless all who helps in whatever way the can .

Sean Roiall


I am a subscriber to Harald Baldr’s channel, this is were I came across the story of Sunil and his wife’s tragic loss of their child as a result of cancer. I was so impressed with Sunil and his wife’s determination to honour the memory of their child by founding a charity in his name so that his passing will not be in vain that I felt I had to make a contribution, even though it was not a large contribution, I wanted to help in some way and within my means. I want to wish Sunil and wife best wishes for the future, I think what you are doing with your charity is absolutely amazing and I will be following your chariry into the future and hopefully I can continue to provide some financial support in the future.
Bless you both

James McDonnell

Good Work!

Keep up the good work

Paul Bashforth

Great Work

Many thanks for your hard work for these children and their families, may you all be blessed.

Stuart Glenwright

With Gratitude

Synchronicity happens for many reasons and as much as Harald Baldr found himself in Nepal and met you, I found myself learning of your work. When making a donation to a charity it is hard to know if the money will end up in the right places, videos like Harald’s help because it is possible to see how the money will be used and trust is further emphasized from following Harald’s work . The very best of luck, love and light with your foundation and may this light shine brightly on your foundation.

Phillip Wheeler

Watched Haralds Video

Watched Haralds Video…and got tears running. You’re the man for converting anger of your loss into this awesome work/foundation. Keep it up! Best wishes to all the families you’re helping!

Oliver Meckmann

Nepali Hero ( नेपाली हिरो )

I thank you for starting this generous cause, much needed lives will be saved because of your kind heart. I am so glad that I am able to help in some small way after seeing Harald”s YouTube video. Keep up the great work.
God will bless you.
जय् नेपाल

Nirmal Limbu (Nishan)

As a Father

As a father I cannot imagine the pain some of those parents go through not being able to help their child with such a disease. Hopefully Harald’s vídeo goes viral and more people can help.

Luís Guimaraes

Harald Baldr’s YouTube Video

Keep up the good work! I have seen you on Harald Baldr’s YouTube video .

Jeroen Akse

Best Wishes

Here because of Harald. I’ve lost family to cancer and wanted to help with the wonderful work you are doing.


Sent from Harald Baldr’s YouTube video!

I was sent from Harald Baldr’s YouTube video and felt so touched and impressed by the work this foundation does that I had to donate. It’s not much as I’m a student here in the UK but you guys deserve it. Thank you for helping children going through a very rough stage of life and making this as comfortable as possible. You’re wonderful.

Luke Scaife

Great Job

I am here because of Harald’s channel. You make a great job. I hope my money can help you to continue your work and help more children. It is beautiful.

Matthias Wenger

Wonderful Cause

Watched Harald Baldr wonderful video about your cause and wanted to help! Yes Yes


We Can Beat This

No one and especially a child should have to go through cancer. We can beat this!

Bill Jordan

A Helping Hand

I lost my father to cancer. It is not easy to put into words the emotional toll it took on me and my family. I think this is a noble cause. I heard of your work through a Harald Baldr YouTube video. I hope my donation helps in some small way. Prayers have also been sent.

Thomas Wright

Love from Harold Baldr Fan

I saw the Harold Baldr’s video and I got touched by the amazing Sunil and his mission. I wish all the best to this foundation and the kids it’s helping.

Lazar Minev

Inspired By Your Act of Selflessness

Sign on the wall at the hospital in Nepal:
“If we can’t add days to life, then why don’t we add life to days.”
An important reminder in a world experiencing so much suffering. You have transformed your personal loss into something that can transform the lives of so many others.

Sanjay Shrestha

Love Triumphs

Out of a horrible tragedy, something wonderful is growing. Nothing is stronger than the love a parent has for a child and that power has ignited something big. Harald Baldr brought me to your site and your efforts will undoubtedly save many lives and reduce so much suffering. Thank you!

Michael Pastore

A Good Heart Can Be Felt Across the World

A good heart can be felt across the world. Please continue making the world a better place.

Thank you

Barry Kuts
Well Wisher

Thank You

Thank you for being you and realizing the potential to save so many.

Jallal Elouad

Such a Fantastic Cause

Having seen you on the harald baldr video i just had to help your cause in some small way, you are an inspiration to everyone who has lost a loved one…respect 👍

Kevin Fahy

I Saw You on Harald’s Channel

I saw you on Harald Baldr YouTube channel. I wanted to make a donation to your great foundation. And I hope many more will do the same. Keep up the great work.

Patrick Knox

God Bless Those Children

God bless – Harald Baldr video brought me here.

Steve Laurent

Leonardo Will Be Happy

go on man! great initiative.

Giorgio Cerulli
Harald Baldr Subscriber & Well Wisher

An Honest Cause

I experienced the scale of which this disease can impact families. I cannot imagine how it must be for families that have to choose between life’s basic necessities and treatment. This foundation is there for the patient and for supporting their families.

Gerke van Keimpema

Best of Luck

I made a small donation. Wish I could give more. Best of luck to the children.

Michael Baker

Thank You

Thank You Sunil for doing this. The world needs more people with your mindset.

Andrej Gunsek

Remembering Our Dear Little Leo

It is an honor to remember our dear little Leo by donating to the Leo Shrestha Foundation which will help other cherubs and their families through their cancer journey.

Lori N

Donated to the Leo Shrestha Foundation

I have donated to the Leo Shrestha Foundation to help children and their families in Nepal. It is an honor to have known him.

Marie W

Social Media Reactions

Thank You Sir

Thank you sir you help our nepali people. I pray for God, God give you more healthy and more money. and you every time helping everybody. Thank you once again.

Sunil Gurung
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

You Are Great

sunil.. you are great

Arhant Bajracharya
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Really Great Job

Really great job sunil bro respect you 🙏🙏

Gopal Rimal
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Hats Off To You

Hats off to you brother ❤️🔥🙏

Nishan Chamling
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Big Respect

Sunil big respact for you🙏

Sijan Janimaru
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Donate To This Man’s Cause

I lost my father to brain cancer when I was 9, he was only 45. I know first hand the devastation this brings to a family. I will donate to this mans cause.

Thomas Werth
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Saving Lives

We here saving lifes! Let’s keep on giving!

Adlikda Strlinfza
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Wish I Had Sunil’s Strength

Wish I had a fraction of Sunil’s strength. Well done to all who have donated 👍

Forza Cuore
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Inspiring Work

My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer in Jan and i can totally understand how the families out there feel. Its more torturing to see kids suffering from such a disease. He is truly a genuine heart, how he turned his sorrow to do such inspiring work. I hope he and his foundation get chance to do more of such kind work. God Bless!!!

Nitesh Raj Shakya
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Great Job and Best Wishes

Great job to and best wishes for your good job…thank you so much leonardo Shrestha foundation………👍👍👍👍👏👏👏

Sajan Shrestha
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Great Service to Humanity

Great service to humanity , all the best for the future . Thanks for showing such an important theme . It’s life’s essential deed and lesson

Hammid Ghafoor
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Kudos to Sunil

Kudos to Sunil and his dedication 🙏

Leo Bhatia
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Just Donated Something

Just donated something, wish I could do more, but I very much hope it will somehow help. Vids like this make you stop and re-think life…🙏

Carmelo Riso
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Incredible Story

What an incredible story! I hope this guy gets a lot of donations

Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Easy to Donate

Easy to donate I did

Irving Wells
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Sunil The Hero

Sunil: the hero we want, but not we deserve ❤

Aman Nagori
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Great Cause

Go for it guys, great cause 👍

Mark C
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

You’re Doing Amazing Things

Sunil you’re doing amazing things. Don’t try to grow too fast. Help who you can, and grow the organization the best you feel is possible. Send the kids our love.

Keith B
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

God Bless You Always

Such a unbelievable person you are Sir. God bless you always

Amrit Sunuwar
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

God Bless You

You are a good guy man God bless you.

Azooz Alaiwi
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

God Bless

God bless yall helping the kids and families 🙏 we need more people helping and looking out for one another

Tuxedo Mask44
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Sending Love and Blessings

Blessed you my boy. Sending lots of love and blessings. Best luck for your project. You will success on your project. Thank you for everything.

Ramesh Gurung
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

What a True Hero

What a true Hero Sunil is.
He deserves all the help he can get in saving the lives of children who deserve to live life to it’s full.
Bravo Sunil Bravo ❤

Thomas Medley
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

From One Fighter to Another

Prayers from Oklahoma! From one fighter to another I will be praying for strength and comfort! Stay strong and positive!!

Candice Gateley
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Good Wishes

I wish Sunil for his noble journey to help others who in need and prayers for the children who undergo the treatment.

P S David Paul
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

God Bless Him

The loss of a Child has a lifetime of Pain. He has choose to move forward in a very positive way doing great things for others. God Bless him.

James Shaffer
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

A Better World

I just want to say that the one doesnt realize the extremities of terminal illness until it hits home. If us in USA and rest of the western world sacrifice 1 Starbucks coffee a week and donate, the world would be a very better place

Preeti Singh
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

My Heart Goes Out To This Gentleman

My heart goes out to this gentlemen I know how he feels I lost my wife to brain cancer as well God bless him and his family.

Boston Bill
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Saving Humanity

“If someone is successful in saving even one life then it is like S/he have saved the whole humanity!”

Saroj Gurung
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

People Like Sunil

People like Sunil (sorry if I misspelled) will save this world.

Boris Levenzon
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Donated for the First Time

I donated for the first time in my life not because i m also from Nepal but because i know and trust that my money wouldn’t be mishandled as it often happens with donations and fundraising

Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Man On A Mission

This mans on a mission! You can see it on his eyes. Blessings to him.

Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

My Prayer

We are here to help where we can. I have shared the other r video several times in hopes to get the word out!! My prayer is for many people to see this story and help in any way they can!!!

Willie Hill
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Keep Fighting

“People who have good wishes then the whole universe will support him” Keep fighting Sunnil

Kris Tan
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Real Inspiration

Sunil is a Real inspiration ❤️

Avishay Hazan
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Everyone Can Help Someone

We can’t help everyone but everyone can help someone.

Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

This World Needs More People Like You

Awww this world needs more people like you Sunil…🙏🏽

Kaffy Timoteo
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Spread the Love

Donating is the least we can do, I know it will do so much. Spread the love <3

Video "This can be yours 🇳🇵"

First Donation

I have Never donated to a foundation before until Today.

Video "This can be yours 🇳🇵"

Every Little Bit Helps

I don’t have a lot of money, but I Donated. Every little bit helps

Bryan S
Video "This can be yours 🇳🇵"

Great Service

You are doing a great service. Best of luck

See John Vlog
Video "The Leonardo Edward Shrestha Foundation's First Day in Nepal"

Best of Luck

Best of luck bro… I m rooting for you

Karan Singh Rai
Video "The Leonardo Edward Shrestha Foundation's First Day in Nepal"

Thank you Sunil and Kara

I doubt there is a more worthy cause to give $$ to than Sunil and Kara’s son’s foundation. A tragic story is leading to a glorious help to others in Leo’s shoes in Nepal. Thanks to Harold Baldr and his “American Hero in Nepal” video as a jump start. With 35-40% of cancer patients dying at home in Nepal because they have no money for treatment, this foundation will help a few families get over that hurdle. Some day, these saved kids will have productive lives that would never have happened without this foundation. Thank you Sunil and Kara!!

Scott Freburg
Video "The Leonardo Edward Shrestha Foundation's First Day in Nepal"

Together We Can Make A Difference

Together we can make a difference. We need a lot more of this.

James Shaffer
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

True Inspiration

A true inspiration on this planet we need more humans like you ! Respect!!!

Maggie Lopes
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

What A Man

Wow! What a man! He has lost a kid a month back and the kind of positivity he has is just commendable. Very strong and genuine man.

Punit Sharma
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Your Son Would Be Proud

Such an amazing man, your son would be so proud of you. ❤️

Paul L
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Such A Noble Cause

Such a noble Cause , i am sure Leonardo will be very happy and proud of his dad and Uncle Heraldo the Cancer Warrior. Superb Documentation of the work done by the foundation which can also help others who intend to start and do such noble cause in their own countries .

Rohit P
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

A Master Plan

There must be a special place in the ” Master Plan” for you. You truly change lives. Many people stand on podiums with their cheesy smiles as they hand over a 6 ft. cheque waiting for the photo ops. What you do is a true act of kindness. Please accept this hug as a token of appreciation – Mmmmmmmmmm. All the warmth in the world to you 😊

Jacqueline Binkley
Video "$12 000 Raised for American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Salute to Sunil

“Better light a candle than curse the darkness.” ― Confucius

Salute to Sunnil

Kris Tan
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Keep Fighting

My mom fought the fight. If your reading this kids, KEEP FIGHTING. FIGHT ON. WE LOVE YOU. ❤️❤️ Donation on its way

Keith B
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Great Support Wishes

May you continue to be able to offer great support!

See John Vlog
Video "Leo's Foundation Visits Ishwor Jyoti, Childhood Cancer Patient in Nepal"

The Legacy

The legacy of a father for his son will always be remembered… God bless you dear Sunil… Tears of joy is rolling down…

Huaineilung Gangmei
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

That’s The Word

“We cant save his life..but we can see if we can take some stress away from that family” THATS THE WORD👍👍❤

Dammika Herath
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Prayers For Everyone

He is a hero, I’m also going through this unfortunate situation dealing with stage 3 breast cancer myself an it’s been a very long hard road.. I have faith that everything will be fine. Prayers for him an his family. I know how hard it is for me I can’t imagine a child 😩 wow this hits me hard having to see all those patients having to go through chemo an having to worry about the power going out.

Isa Torres
Video "American Hero in Nepal 🇳🇵"

Inspirational Kindness

Sorry for the loss of your child, and I pray that your efforts to help others is successful . Your kindness to others is an inspiration!

Mark Buford
Video "The Leonardo Edward Shrestha Foundation's First Day in Nepal"

Facebook Reviews

Get Involved with Leonardo Edward Shrestha Foundation

Change Starts With You

Join our community and take a stand against childhood cancer. Sign up today to get involved!

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Hope for a child’s tomorrow

Helping Children with Cancer

The Leonardo Edward Shrestha Foundation was founded in loving memory of Leonardo Edward Shrestha, whom we lost to brain cancer on October 31, 2019. Our precious Leo graced this world for only 8 and a half months, but through his memorial foundation, we want to give other children like Leo a chance to live to experience the world much longer.

Our foundation is based in Minnesota, USA, and our purpose is to help children diagnosed with cancer in Nepal. We provide monetary support to such children and their families throughout their cancer treatment to ease their financial burden, so that the family can focus more on the care of their child.




The mission of Leo’s Foundation is to find and support children with cancer in Nepal and their families to improve their health and well-being.

Dedicated to Children with Cancer

How We Work to Help Children

We help families of children suffering from cancer focus more on their child’s care and treatment plan by taking some of the financial burden off them. When a child is diagnosed with cancer, the entire family goes through emotional stress and bears a financial burden as well. We help alleviate some of the pressure by providing financial support for things such as housing expenses, food, clothing, transportation costs, and school tuition in addition to medical and pharmacy bills.

We gather funds through extensive fundraising programs in the United States. In the meantime, our volunteers qualify families in Nepal based on their need. Then, by means of our pediatric oncology connections in Nepal, we send the funds to help those families.

35% of children abandon cancer treatment due to financial constraints in Nepal

Help us change the numbers, and give these children a second chance in life

Keeping Families With Sick Children Together And Near The Care And Resources They Need

Be the Difference in a Child’s Life

    Your Name



    How Can We Help You?
